The goal of this Stirling Engine project was to make the engine out of materials that should be readily available to most people from local sources, publishing videos for each step of its construction.
Almost all of the Stirling engines I have built were constructed with the intent that they would work on the surface of a woodstove. To that end this engine has performed quite well. The stating temperature it around 150F and while I don’t recommend running them over 500 F I have brought it up to 700F without issue.
The plans for this engine are available under Engines In the plans section.
Step One: I go through the process of making the Displacer Cylinder with a bottle cutter.
Step Two: Demonstrates how to make the paper displacer.
Step Three: Shows how to make the top and bottom of the engine on a scroll saw using sheets of copper available at most hobby stores.
Step Four: Assembling the body of the engine with silicone and springs
Step Five: Making the Piston with brass tubes and solder on a hot plate.
Step Six: Making the crankshaft.
Step Seven:Making the connecting rods using a technique called compound scrolling.
Adding Bearings:Adding Bearings to the engine and testing.